Source code for zoloto.marker_type

from __future__ import annotations

from enum import IntEnum

from cv2 import aruco, aruco_Dictionary

[docs]class MarkerType(IntEnum): ARUCO_4X4 = aruco.DICT_4X4_1000 ARUCO_5X5 = aruco.DICT_5X5_1000 ARUCO_6X6 = aruco.DICT_6X6_1000 ARUCO_7X7 = aruco.DICT_7X7_1000 ARUCO_ORIGINAL = aruco.DICT_ARUCO_ORIGINAL APRILTAG_16H5 = aruco.DICT_APRILTAG_16H5 APRILTAG_25H9 = aruco.DICT_APRILTAG_25H9 APRILTAG_36H10 = aruco.DICT_APRILTAG_36H10 APRILTAG_36H11 = aruco.DICT_APRILTAG_36H11 @property def dictionary(self) -> aruco_Dictionary: """ The underlying OpenCV marker dictionary """ return aruco.getPredefinedDictionary(self.value) @property def marker_count(self) -> int: """ The total number of markers available """ return len(self.dictionary.bytesList) @property def max_id(self) -> int: """ The highest id available """ return self.marker_count - 1 @property def min_marker_image_size(self) -> int: """ Minimum size of a marker in pixels """ return self.marker_size + 2 @property def marker_size(self) -> int: """ Number of bits along 1 size of a marker """ return self.dictionary.markerSize @property def marker_ids(self) -> list[int]: """ All of the possible marker ids """ return list(range(self.max_id + 1))
MARKER_TYPE_NAMES = frozenset( for m in MarkerType) MAX_ALL_ALLOWED_ID = min(m.max_id for m in MarkerType)